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Videos end of page on what is occurring on our planet right now.   We are and have never been alone in this universe.

Messages from the star systems. ----YOU MUST WAKE UP ---.


A great many of the population has an inkling of something greater, but never quite reaching the knowledge to grow more, and many who are still at the level of kindergarten in acquired emotional knowledge, and they stay in this mindset, and then there are those who take it further and graduate to high school, and then there are those who expand and take it to masters level, it just takes focus and feeling the inner knowing within, this is the masters level, you follow the signs, you become the will of the Divine.

Most of the human civilisation create their life through the will of the human. This is and has never been the connection to the Source of All That Is.


When we raise our vibration, you begin to receive more, the more you raise the more you are working in the fourth dimension and move into the fifth dimension.

The Aboriginals had the capabilities of being in the fourth dimension but through time and with the involvement of Christianity infringing their beliefs onto this race they corrupted the minds of these naturally nomadic telepathic people, and then separated them from the highest form of spiritual connection of themselves and with their own creator.


Mainstream religion has a lot to answer to for infringing a non-conforming religion to very Intune spiritual race and this is not only for Aboriginals but for all indigenous races who had their own spiritual beliefs.

Through the history and evolution of humans you will come to realise the different species that exist, not only on this planet but in other solar systems, and you will discover the different species and their agendas for the human race, and how the mainstream religion was created by the dark agenda and is in no way or form spiritual but a satanic religion. Many will now categorically dispute this, just read on, you will be completely shocked about the lies upon lies and mistruths you have been converted to believe in.  

Open your thoughts to a new thought and don’t become ignorant to a new thought, those who vehemently disagree and cannot see other aspects of themselves will stay in the third dimension, this becomes a cause and effect from not opening the mind to an intelligence. The third-dimension humans see this as conspiracies, whereas for those who encourage to connect and see a new theory, and without prejudice will discover wonderment.


One cannot prove that something doesn’t exist.

One can only prove that something does exist

...Dr Stefan Lanka...


I would say a large percent of the world’s population, would deny the existence of new knowledge but prefer to stay with the narrative of what they have been told by peers, religion, teachers, parents, governments, media and cannot see past this information, and then we have those who want to understand and are sitting on the fence and need proof, they need to see it to believe it, and for more in tune people they have attained this inner knowing, inner visions, inner insights and know there is a lot more to discover and has never been told.


We are not and have never been alone in this solar system.

This solar system has dimensions within dimensions, an example is we have suburbs within a city, the city is within a state, the state is in a country, and the country is within a world called earth and the earth is in an expanded multi-dimensional universe with many planetary systems, the Source of All That Is or as man calls God, is a powerful light of intelligence which absorbs thoughts, and emotions to know itself more, to expand and to create more expansion.

If you look at this structure then you will understand the human race is in the dimension of a suburb, and now must raise this frequency to the dimension of a city.


How do you raise your frequency?

Raising your frequency is all in how you be.

It is how you love.

It is in how you communicate.

It is resolving old trauma, old is old let it go, it does not serve you but only hinders growth.

It is meditating.

It is cleaning the electrical frequency of the chakra disks.

Clean chakras, clean health, happy life.

It is doing less and feeling the stillness.

It is allowing the will of the Devine.

It is looking at the dark agenda a creation for the masses to change their viewpoint to a light energy density.

It is believing in something greater called love and light.




This is a topic that can grow a person to see another viewpoint, or it depends on, with what the population bracket you are in.

The beginning of my evolution

When you become consciously aware of the unknown and yet it feels completely known to that individual, and many will see this differently, because they are not of this understanding, they need to see it to believe any of this, I believe the time is fast approaching that the seeing is about to occur.

When my near-death experience occurred was the beginning of asking a lot of questions and then a lot of answers, synchronicities visions, knowing, thoughts were zapped to me, and I knew without a doubt we are so much more than we have ever been told.


I was definitely in the infant stage and then soon developed and expanded my awareness, and then a lull occurred and you feel you are dangling in a space and not knowing what is next, until this so called false pandemic, where I opened my eyes to a reality being played out and then to discover a absolute new truth about what and how this came about, this then took me to discover about UFO’s,  Extra-terrestrials, Reptilians, hidden agendas of Antarctica, and so much more.

I knew about Draconian and Reptilians coming from David Icke and like so many other persons I thought he had lost the plot, until I discovered he was speaking the truth, and yet I could see in some people they had reptilian tendencies, so I don’t know why I doubted David Icke. He knew many years before what was to occur, it just took a few years for this to come about.


I knew about alien abductions and like so many other persons I sort off believed but not sure, until I heard the circumstances of real live people and how and what happened to them. Then I heard about the aliens and a space craft of which was and is deliberately withheld from the public, I always believed we are not the only planetary system, and I have seen an unidentified craft traveling at great speed then went back the way it came from at great speed and then it exploded and the debris came down to earth, quite a few people saw the same thing, because it made it into the Timaru Herald in New Zealand, I did ring the Mount John observatory but they said it was a helium balloon, and I was none the wiser until I spoke to my brother and he said helium balloons do not explode, they implode, and the gas just evaporates. 


Because my frequency has raised, and my infinite intelligence knew I was ready for more knowledge, and through listening I began to realise the vision I had when I was younger where I may have been abducted onto one of these crafts, most of the people who reside on this earth have been taken aboard these crafts, and have had their memory wiped of all knowledge, what I remember was a yellow corridor and something of which was not human calling me forward, this happened two times, while in the sleep dream state. I have had several times where I felt I was sent into a time warp where my body was here but not, a liquid feeling like sensation of being nowhere but everywhere, it was an extremely disconnected feeling, and not nice.  

I was very interested in listening to these starseed hybrid children how they were somehow infiltrated bodily to produce starseed children from their DNA and without their knowledge until they were introduced to their babies and children. I was in contact with many psychics through the spiritual centres and all of them would say I have a son; I have human daughters I would gather I have a starseed child out on one of these UFO ships. When I heard about these starseed DNA abductions and creation of children I felt a resonation to this, this tells me this is true for me, and not some futuristic sci-fi.


You may be wondering why would these beings do this to us?

These beings are us and we are them, we are part of consciousness and had expressed to be here in this time trial to bring about the earth change of which is occurring, these intelligent beings are of very light density whereas the human is a heavy density. They are our future selves; we must evolve to become the light density. Our DNA and earth are very important to the collective whole, our DNA is what recreates creation, our emotions are the liquid gold for the creator, creator requires these emotions for expansion, the intergalactic beings do not have emotions, touch, sensuality, taste, or feelings, they receive it all from you.

The good emotions are what they receive in their energetic field, and the not so good emotions they send back to you for you to change that emotion, you may call it a virus don’t want it, send it back you must defrag it.



If you feel a resonance then you have tuned into a greater part of you, and if you cannot resonate, that is okay, you are just not ready for the truth yet.

Humanity is from many family species and not in our realm, the DNA was incorporated within a humanoid, and this humanoid was the sasquatch, this occurred over three hundred thousand years ago. This intergalactic universe has many planetary systems with many species, the intelligence of these species are over three hundred thousand years in the future of advancement in technology, and time travel projection through thought and mind.


The Anunnaki a species of many different races including human, and the Greys who have reptilian draconian lizard DNA, they were a species who destroyed their own eco system their own planet, they were obsessed with technology, and required gold, and a new planet. To take this gold would be karmic, so they created humanoids from the sasquatch who were already on earth, the sasquatch was adapted to create humans through DNA manipulation and through this manipulation they did not want the new species called humans to know consciousness. As time evolved, they were to discover the humans were consciously connecting to consciousness and the pineal gland and the heart was being activated to the stars. The book of Enoch was written 3,000 years BC, and explains the stars, the chariots coming from clouds, and the prophecies for the outcome for the reptilians, of which they destroyed this book and recreated a version adapted for themselves called the bible. The book of Enoch was preserved and put into hiding to re-emerge and now to be discovered what has been hidden all these years. 

Throughout ancient history rituals and sacrifices were undertaken on humans, they had no respect for their own creations, humans in the eyes of the reptilians were just food. As the years grew so did their unrelatable energy to any species, to overthrow the human population and to take control of this planet, they began instigating a technology to control humans.

They created belief systems to divert man away from connecting to this intergalactic intelligence, they created the education, the bible and the prophecies, the pharmaceuticals the land sprays, the air pollutant sprays, to altering our DNA to desensitise the pineal gland, through pharmaceutical manipulation. They created movies to enhance their systems, they created projections and timelines of future events in the Simpsons, for the unsuspecting humans to believe in these prophecies. This was all carefully categorised in timelines in their cult organisation the Free Masons, and the humans fell into their traps and became part of this cultism and satanic rituals.  We see this occurring on our planet now thorough the cabal whose DNA is reptilian, and this dates right back and before the Hitler era, they have been instigating their technology of using humans as fodder for their satanic rituals. The worlds governments were carefully manipulated with intel into every organisation, they blackmailed and paid off and killed those who interfered.


Hollywood has grown on the reptilian agenda, most of the movies are all adapted in satanic rituals and draconian principals, they own and create the mind control movies, and the humans fell into this dark horror scenes to create fear, the fear agenda is what enhances the reptilians they thrive on this fear from what the humans project out, to project and enhance love the reptilians deplore the love energy. Keep on sending love they will never win with the love energy.


The ground we stand on without even realising it is filled with mass underground tunnels connecting countries and filled with human slaves and children, and also houses the reptilians, it sounds like some futuristic movie the sad reality it is not futuristic but very real, and we as people on earth have been totally blind and corrupted by the narrative, and any who spoke out were labelled, right at this moment the secret military and in conjunction with galactic federation are closing all these so called D.u.m.b underground tunnels. The horrors these people have lived in, and for the most part of the population who are totally self-obsessed self-absorbed and totally blinded to the narrative and to any real form of truth, and yet they are the ones who are the most vocal and verbalise mistruths, these people are in no way or form connected to consciousness, because you would feel the lie you are verbalising.   


The galactic federation

The galactic federation has been observing us for a very long time, and have been aware of what is happening, they would have helped us earlier, but could not interfere until the human population became aware and reactivated the heart space and the connection of light consciousness to who and what we and they are.

We as humans became the galactic family of the Syrians, Orions, Pleiadians, Andromedans, reptilians, and we the humans are the genetic makeup from twenty-two races. What happens on earth influences other star systems they are part of the lineage of humans on earth, we are the new earth called Humans, and we are only just reawakening our hearts to have contact with these star families.

The Human DNA is important for the ET’s and the star planets as they become to know themselves through us as the human species has all the emotions and sensations of life whereas, the ETs are a frequency, and devour our sensations, to feel emotions. 


The God delusion

God did not create Adam and Eve, we are all hybridised DNA’ s created in a Petrie dish for the soul purpose of insidious means for the reptilians, and since the reptilians have the Grey DNA, of good and not so good the DNA of good began rising to the surface, and finally the humans are collectively activating the good emotion more and more. Those who are of the not so good will find themselves departing this planet, because the galactic realm only works and fulfills desires in the good light consciousness environment.     

The galactic family do not refer to a God, but to light, light is the powerhouse, the light comes from the heart the heart is of all creation. The high intelligence speaks of circuitry and mother boards, this tells me we are in a matrix of a powerful computer system, and our circuit is part of this system, and the light is the power source and the connection to this mother board, the star ET’s want us to connect mindfully the mind and heart opens the doors by thought.


This brings to mind one of the alien spacecrafts which landed, and the humans could not turn it on, it had no means of operating control, this is because the operating system is all in the mind, and not by switches, the ET was the programmer of the craft by its thoughts.


We as humans need to change the perception of all that you have been told about who and what is God, and to look at yourselves as a computer, you have the circuit within you, and you must attach to the motherboard, and realise this motherboard is always plugged in to the light of purity and goodness. The humans lack in the belief of the light and must override the dark energy DNA you were created in. It is time to overpower this dark DNA out of existence, and only see good and feel good, you can all do this by creating the good thoughts.

Each human individual is a light Consciousness who conceives a path through the will of the Divine, and this will of the Divine is your future self, you are here living in your future self’s past, who is the director of your future and knows the path and direction for you to take. The distorted perception of humans is they create a path through the will of others who are dictating to them what they should be doing.


This is soon to change, we as humans are to create an environment free of hindrances created by parents, peers, governments and education to be who we want to be in joy and creativity and have freedom from financial worries, the galactic federation has monetary survival for the creator to create, this financial remuneration was always deliberately kept from the human population by the reptilians, as a means to control humans.

Enjoy what is coming, it is time for the truth to be revealed so humanity can move on and become consciously more aware.


In the meantime, out in the galactic realm the planetary systems have eradicated the reptilians, and now mass underground reptilian tunnels are being eradicated on earth, once this has taken place and the dark agenda no longer exists on this earth and in the universe, will see a complete change to what is known as life, and your part in becoming more enlightened in freedom and joy. The intergalactic federation will make themselves known and will integrate themselves onto our earth and enhance life on earth with new technologies and free technologies, hospitals will no longer exist they will be replaced with inner knowledge of wellness, and technologies of med beds, education will change, the old system will no longer exist, and a new system where one does what the heart desires and grows in the area of that desire. No longer children will be taught the old dogma of which is full of mistruths to convert and pervert the mind. Old age will not exist when the time is ready to travel to new outer limits the heart will know when the heart stops its beats. Wonderful changes will occur soon, dream of what you desire to be and do set forth your intentions the galactic federation is picking up your thoughts and will endeavour to help you for your goals to be achieved.   

All that you live in is a reality of perception and is not real it perceives as real, but it is in fact old, it has already been created, it is the perceiver who sees it as real. The perceiver must look beyond and create beyond what is real, this is how you create.


The Higher mind conceives the movie.

The Brain receives the movie

The mind perceives the movie

When the mind perceives the movie, and when the heart and mind receive the movie in synchronicity with an emotion this is the destiny.

A desire is creating the film frame by frame, it is to feel the frequency of it, this brings the reality to bring the future into the present.

When we live in a time of what is happening due to the plan-demic, is in fact old, but human consciousness keeps this perpetuated by looking at what is, whereas the humans should be thinking and imagine what is wanted. 

Open your mind to new dreams and new thoughts.

Humans are cattle to the dark agenda, the cabal the WEF, they violate – eat - draw blood for youth, and children are the caviar. We are and have never been alone in this universe. Under our feet holds the children the human trafficking, in mass underground systems.

Humans children and animals are fodder and testing experiments for these reptilians.

Dolores Cannon downloaded information from Nostradamus who prophesied the events occurring now, he described the person who is the antichrist drawing in video, I wonder if it is Obama, as his Obama care was the identification of all children and who were the parents and all the addresses, easily identifiable to extract the children from society.

Alex Collier speaks about the species Andromedan, he is extremely informative, and has also been on these UFO ships.

Top secret military Dan Willis speaking with Elena Danaan about the UFO’s and Area 51 and what is really underground.

Pentecostal minister speaking with Elena Danaan about Portals, Stargates she has been on these UFO ships, extremely informative.

Alex Collier in 1995 was given the future by the Andromedans of what was to occur in 2020

Message from the Pleiadians about the twenty-two races and how these reptilians eventuated on earth, and how they are been taken out by the galactic federation.

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